RecordingMode Enumeration

UFT One 2022 and later: Following the discontinuance of the Silverlight development framework, UFT One no longer supports the Silverlight Add-in by default.

If you need to use and extend the Silverlight Add-in, contact OpenText Support.

Options for when to add a recorded step to the test.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum RecordingMode 
   Inherits Enum
public enum RecordingMode : Enum  


RECORD_SEND_LINEIf a previous step has been stored, add it to the test now. 
Then, add the current step to the test.
RECORD_KEEP_LINEIf a previous step has been stored, add it to the test now.
Store the current step and start the timer.
If timed-out before the next call to Record, add the step to the test.
RECORD_KEEP_LINE_NO_TIMEOUTIf a previous step has been stored, add it to the test now. Store the current step.
RECORD_REPLACE_AND_KEEP_LINE_NO_TIMEOUTStore the current step, overwriting any previously stored step.
RECORD_REPLACE_AND_SEND_LINEIf a previous step has been stored, delete it. Add the current step to the test.
RECORD_REPLACE_AND_KEEP_LINEIf a previous step has been stored, delete it. Store the current step and start the timer. If timed-out before the next call to Record, add the step to the test.
RECORD_CLEAN_UPIf a previous step has been stored, delete it. (No current step is provided.)
RECORD_STORED_LINEIf a previous step has been stored, add it to the test now. (No current step is provided.)


Used with the Record Method.

RecordingMode is used to handle cases where the meaning of the event or message can not be determined immediately. An example would be a click event. If it is followed immediately by a double-click event, the click event will not be written to the script. If the keep times out, then the click event is written.

One line can be stored while the current line is being processed.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also