ObjectRepositorySchema Schema
ObjectRepository Element
The root element of the object repository XML file.
Metadata ElementParameters ElementSetting ElementSequenceSettings ElementParameter ElementArguments ElementSequenceVisualRelation ElementSequenceVisualRelations ElementValue ElementChoiceSequenceStandardProperty ElementSequenceStandardProperties ElementSequenceCheckpointOrOutput ElementSequenceCheckpointsAndOutputs ElementChildObjects ElementSetting ElementSequenceSettings ElementParameter ElementArguments ElementSequenceVisualRelation ElementSequenceVisualRelations ElementValue ElementChoiceSequenceStandardProperty ElementSequenceStandardProperties ElementSequenceEncodedObject ElementChildObjects ElementLastUpdateTime ElementArguments ElementSequenceVisualRelation ElementSequenceVisualRelations ElementComments ElementBehavior ElementSequenceCustomReplay ElementPropertyRef ElementSequenceOptionalFilter ElementPropertyRef ElementSequenceBaseFilter ElementSequenceSmartIdentification ElementValue ElementSequenceOrdinalIdentifier ElementPropertyRef ElementSequenceBasicIdentification ElementParameter ElementValue ElementChoiceSequenceProperty ElementSequenceProperties ElementSequenceObject ElementChoiceObjects ElementId ElementSequenceObjectRepository Element
ObjectRepository ObjectRepositoryType Complex Type
The root element of the object repository XML file.
Id 0..∞ xs:string
Not in use.
Objects ObjectsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the test objects in the object repository.
Choice 0..∞
Object ObjectType Complex Type
The parent element of an individual test object in the object repository.
Class optional xs:string
The test object class.
Name optional xs:string
The test object name.
Properties PropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the full list of properties and values learned for the test object.
Property 0..∞ PropertyType Complex Type
A test object identification property.
Name optional xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. 
For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Type optional xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Hidden optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property is displayed in the object repository interface.
ReadOnly optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property value can be edited.
Value ValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
Parameter ParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter. The type of parameter.  For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the parameter Type is always Repository.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the parameter value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
BasicIdentification BasicIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties in the test object's learned description.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
An individual property in the test object's learned description.
OrdinalIdentifier optional OrdinalIdentifierType Complex Type
The ordinal identifier to use for the test object.
Type required xs:string
The type of ordinal identifier used for this test object. The type of ordinal identifier used for this object.   Possible values:
  • Index--The order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • Location--The order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • CreationTime (for Browser test objects only)--The order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
Value optional xs:int
The numeric value of the ordinal identifier.
SmartIdentification optional SmartIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the details of the test object's smart identification settings.
Algorithm optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Active optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the smart identification mechanism is enabled for the test object.
BaseFilter optional BaseFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification base filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification base filter.
OptionalFilter optional OptionalFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification optional filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification optional filter.
CustomReplay optional CustomReplayType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Behavior optional BehaviorType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Name optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Comments optional
Parent element containing the test object comments.
Comment 0..∞ CommentType Complex Type
A free-text comment for the test object.

To display the Comment in the Object Repository window, you must use the attribute name miccommentproperty.

Name optional xs:string
The comment name.

The comment name.
To display the comment in the Object Repository window, set the Name to miccommentproperty.

VisualRelations optional VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the visual relation identifier settings for the test object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Type required xs:string
The type of the visual relation argument. Possible value: Inline
LastUpdateTime optional xs:string
The date and time the test object was last modified.
ChildObjects 0..∞
A parent element containing all child objects of the test object.
Choice 0..∞
Object ObjectType Complex Type
A child object of the current test object.
Class optional xs:string
The test object class.
Name optional xs:string
The test object name.
Properties PropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the full list of properties and values learned for the test object.
Property 0..∞ PropertyType Complex Type
A test object identification property.
Name optional xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. 
For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Type optional xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Hidden optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property is displayed in the object repository interface.
ReadOnly optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property value can be edited.
Value ValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
Parameter ParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter. The type of parameter.  For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the parameter Type is always Repository.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the parameter value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
BasicIdentification BasicIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties in the test object's learned description.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
An individual property in the test object's learned description.
OrdinalIdentifier optional OrdinalIdentifierType Complex Type
The ordinal identifier to use for the test object.
Type required xs:string
The type of ordinal identifier used for this test object. The type of ordinal identifier used for this object.   Possible values:
  • Index--The order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • Location--The order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • CreationTime (for Browser test objects only)--The order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
Value optional xs:int
The numeric value of the ordinal identifier.
SmartIdentification optional SmartIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the details of the test object's smart identification settings.
Algorithm optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Active optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the smart identification mechanism is enabled for the test object.
BaseFilter optional BaseFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification base filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification base filter.
OptionalFilter optional OptionalFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification optional filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification optional filter.
CustomReplay optional CustomReplayType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Behavior optional BehaviorType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Name optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Comments optional
Parent element containing the test object comments.
Comment 0..∞ CommentType Complex Type
A free-text comment for the test object.

To display the Comment in the Object Repository window, you must use the attribute name miccommentproperty.

Name optional xs:string
The comment name.

The comment name.
To display the comment in the Object Repository window, set the Name to miccommentproperty.

VisualRelations optional VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the visual relation identifier settings for the test object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Type required xs:string
The type of the visual relation argument. Possible value: Inline
LastUpdateTime optional xs:string
The date and time the test object was last modified.
ChildObjects 0..∞
A parent element containing all child objects of the test object.
EncodedObject EncodedObjectType Complex Type
An EncodedObject child object of the current test object.
Class optional xs:string
The class of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a test object described by an EncodedObject.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of an EncodedObject.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
ChildObjects 0..∞
The parent element containing all child objects of the EncodedObject.
Choice 0..∞
Object ObjectType Complex Type
A child object of the current EncodedObject.
Class optional xs:string
The test object class.
Name optional xs:string
The test object name.
Properties PropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the full list of properties and values learned for the test object.
Property 0..∞ PropertyType Complex Type
A test object identification property.
Name optional xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. 
For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Type optional xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Hidden optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property is displayed in the object repository interface.
ReadOnly optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property value can be edited.
Value ValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
Parameter ParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter. The type of parameter.  For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the parameter Type is always Repository.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the parameter value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
BasicIdentification BasicIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties in the test object's learned description.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
An individual property in the test object's learned description.
OrdinalIdentifier optional OrdinalIdentifierType Complex Type
The ordinal identifier to use for the test object.
Type required xs:string
The type of ordinal identifier used for this test object. The type of ordinal identifier used for this object.   Possible values:
  • Index--The order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • Location--The order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • CreationTime (for Browser test objects only)--The order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
Value optional xs:int
The numeric value of the ordinal identifier.
SmartIdentification optional SmartIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the details of the test object's smart identification settings.
Algorithm optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Active optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the smart identification mechanism is enabled for the test object.
BaseFilter optional BaseFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification base filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification base filter.
OptionalFilter optional OptionalFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification optional filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification optional filter.
CustomReplay optional CustomReplayType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Behavior optional BehaviorType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Name optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Comments optional
Parent element containing the test object comments.
Comment 0..∞ CommentType Complex Type
A free-text comment for the test object.

To display the Comment in the Object Repository window, you must use the attribute name miccommentproperty.

Name optional xs:string
The comment name.

The comment name.
To display the comment in the Object Repository window, set the Name to miccommentproperty.

VisualRelations optional VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the visual relation identifier settings for the test object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
LastUpdateTime optional xs:string
The date and time the test object was last modified.
ChildObjects 0..∞
A parent element containing all child objects of the test object.
EncodedObject EncodedObjectType Complex Type
An encoded child object of the current EncodedObject.
Class optional xs:string
The class of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a test object described by an EncodedObject.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of an EncodedObject.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
ChildObjects 0..∞
The parent element containing all child objects of the EncodedObject.
EncodedObject EncodedObjectType Complex Type
The parent element of an individual EncodedObject in the object repository.
Class optional xs:string
The class of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a test object described by an EncodedObject.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Type required xs:string
The type of the visual relation argument. Possible value: Inline
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of an EncodedObject.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
ChildObjects 0..∞
The parent element containing all child objects of the EncodedObject.
Choice 0..∞
Object ObjectType Complex Type
A child object of the current EncodedObject.
Class optional xs:string
The test object class.
Name optional xs:string
The test object name.
Properties PropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the full list of properties and values learned for the test object.
Property 0..∞ PropertyType Complex Type
A test object identification property.
Name optional xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. 
For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Type optional xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Hidden optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property is displayed in the object repository interface.
ReadOnly optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property value can be edited.
Value ValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
Parameter ParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter. The type of parameter.  For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the parameter Type is always Repository.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the parameter value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
BasicIdentification BasicIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties in the test object's learned description.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
An individual property in the test object's learned description.
OrdinalIdentifier optional OrdinalIdentifierType Complex Type
The ordinal identifier to use for the test object.
Type required xs:string
The type of ordinal identifier used for this test object. The type of ordinal identifier used for this object.   Possible values:
  • Index--The order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • Location--The order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • CreationTime (for Browser test objects only)--The order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
Value optional xs:int
The numeric value of the ordinal identifier.
SmartIdentification optional SmartIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the details of the test object's smart identification settings.
Algorithm optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Active optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the smart identification mechanism is enabled for the test object.
BaseFilter optional BaseFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification base filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification base filter.
OptionalFilter optional OptionalFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification optional filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification optional filter.
CustomReplay optional CustomReplayType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Behavior optional BehaviorType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Name optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Comments optional
Parent element containing the test object comments.
Comment 0..∞ CommentType Complex Type
A free-text comment for the test object.

To display the Comment in the Object Repository window, you must use the attribute name miccommentproperty.

Name optional xs:string
The comment name.

The comment name.
To display the comment in the Object Repository window, set the Name to miccommentproperty.

VisualRelations optional VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the visual relation identifier settings for the test object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Type required xs:string
The type of the visual relation argument. Possible value: Inline
LastUpdateTime optional xs:string
The date and time the test object was last modified.
ChildObjects 0..∞
A parent element containing all child objects of the test object.
Choice 0..∞
Object ObjectType Complex Type
A child object of the current test object.
Class optional xs:string
The test object class.
Name optional xs:string
The test object name.
Properties PropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the full list of properties and values learned for the test object.
Property 0..∞ PropertyType Complex Type
A test object identification property.
Name optional xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. 
For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Type optional xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Hidden optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property is displayed in the object repository interface.
ReadOnly optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the property value can be edited.
Value ValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
Parameter ParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter. The type of parameter.  For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the parameter Type is always Repository.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the parameter value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
BasicIdentification BasicIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties in the test object's learned description.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
An individual property in the test object's learned description.
OrdinalIdentifier optional OrdinalIdentifierType Complex Type
The ordinal identifier to use for the test object.
Type required xs:string
The type of ordinal identifier used for this test object. The type of ordinal identifier used for this object.   Possible values:
  • Index--The order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • Location--The order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
  • CreationTime (for Browser test objects only)--The order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
Value optional xs:int
The numeric value of the ordinal identifier.
SmartIdentification optional SmartIdentificationType Complex Type
The parent element containing the details of the test object's smart identification settings.
Algorithm optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Active optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the smart identification mechanism is enabled for the test object.
BaseFilter optional BaseFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification base filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification base filter.
OptionalFilter optional OptionalFilterType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties to include in the smart identification optional filter.
PropertyRef 0..∞ xs:string
The name of a property in the test object's smart identification optional filter.
CustomReplay optional CustomReplayType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Behavior optional BehaviorType Complex Type
Element is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this element manually.
Name optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type optional xs:string
Value is automatically generated by UFT. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Comments optional
Parent element containing the test object comments.
Comment 0..∞ CommentType Complex Type
A free-text comment for the test object.

To display the Comment in the Object Repository window, you must use the attribute name miccommentproperty.

Name optional xs:string
The comment name.

The comment name.
To display the comment in the Object Repository window, set the Name to miccommentproperty.

VisualRelations optional VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the visual relation identifier settings for the test object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
LastUpdateTime optional xs:string
The date and time the test object was last modified.
ChildObjects 0..∞
A parent element containing all child objects of the test object.
EncodedObject EncodedObjectType Complex Type
An EncodedObject child object of the current test object.
Class optional xs:string
The class of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a test object described by an EncodedObject.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of an EncodedObject.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
ChildObjects 0..∞
The parent element containing all child objects of the EncodedObject.
EncodedObject EncodedObjectType Complex Type
An encoded child object of the current EncodedObject.
Class optional xs:string
The class of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the test object described by the EncodedObject.
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a test object described by an EncodedObject.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of an EncodedObject.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
ChildObjects 0..∞
The parent element containing all child objects of the EncodedObject.
CheckpointsAndOutputs optional CheckpointsAndOutputsType Complex Type
The parent element containing the checkpoints and output values in the object repository.
CheckpointOrOutput 0..∞ CheckpointOrOutputType Complex Type
The parent element of an individual checkpoint object or output object in the object repository.
Class required xs:string
The checkpoint object class or output object class.
Name required xs:string
The checkpoint object name or output object name.
Type required xs:string
Indicates whether the object is a checkpoint object or output object. Possible values: Checkpoint, Output
StandardProperties StandardPropertiesType Complex Type
The parent element containing the list of properties and values of a checkpoint object or output object.
Name required xs:string
The property name. The property name. The Name must be a supported property for the test object class. For a list of supported properties for a particular test object class, refer to the relevant object in the UFT One Object Model Reference Help.
Flags required xs:string
Property bit flags. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
InnerType required xs:string
The inner setting of a property. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The property value type. Possible values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOL
Value StandardPropertyValueType Complex Type
The value of the property for properties set to a constant value.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
VisualRelations VRIRelationsType Complex Type
The Visual Relations property of the object.
VisualRelation 0..∞ VRIRelationType Complex Type
A single visual relation definition, which contains the details of a single visual relationship between a related object and the test object.
RelatedObjectPath required xs:string
The full object hierarchy of the related object. For example: "Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebEdit("subjectTextareaContactUs")"
RelativePosition required xs:string
The position of the specified related object relative to the object to identify. Possible values: left, right, above, below, contains, closest-x, closest-y, closest
Arguments 0..∞
The parent element containing additional name-value definitions for a VisualRelation object.
Argument 0..∞ VRIArgumentType Complex Type
A single name-value definition for a VisualRelation object.
Name xs:string
The name of the visual relation argument.
Value VRIArgumentValueType Complex Type
The value of the visual relation argument.
Type required xs:string
The type of the visual relation argument. Possible value: Inline
Parameter StandardPropertyParameterType Complex Type
The name of the parameter for parameterized properties.
RegularExpression optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated as a regular expression.
IgnoreSpace optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated ignoring the spaces.
MatchCase optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with exact match by case.
NotExactMatch optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value should be evaluated with not exact match.
Formula optional xs:boolean
Indicates whether the value is an MS Excel formula.
Type optional xs:string
The type of parameter.
Settings optional SettingsType Complex Type
The parent element containing all settings of a checkpoint object or output object other than identification property settings.
Setting 0..∞ SettingType Complex Type
An individual setting of an object.
Index required xs:string
The index of a property in binary storage. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Type required xs:string
The data stream type. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Version required xs:int
The data stream version. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
Flags required xs:int
The inner structure of the data stream. Do not add or modify this attribute manually.
The parent element containing the repository parameters defined for the object repository.
Parameter 0..∞
A repository parameter.
Name optional xs:string
The name of the parameter.
DefaultValue optional DefaultValueType Complex Type
The default value for the repository parameter.
Parameter optional xs:string
Indicates whether the default value is parameterized.Indicates whether the default value is parameterized. For repository parameters in the current version of UFT, the value is always No.
Description optional xs:string
The repository parameter description.
A free-text string.

This element must exist only once (as the first element) in the XML file.

<xs:element name="ObjectRepository" type="tns:ObjectRepositoryType" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>The root element of the object repository XML file.</xs:documentation>
See Also