Create business components in ALM

This section describes how to create business components, their shells, and their content (manual implementation or automation) in ALM.

Note: This task is part of a higher-level task. For details, see Work with Business Process Testing.

To create business components:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Determine the component scope by gathering information such as business process specifications, marketing and business requirements documents, and stakeholder goals.


      Some questions you may want to ask are:

      • What is the main purpose and direction of the application from a business perspective?

      • What are your business or testing priorities? How can you represent these priorities as business components?

      • How much reuse is necessary? This can help determine the division of application testing into tests, flows, groups, and components.

      • Is testing going to be automated, manual or both?

    • Decide if Business Process Testing, by default, should prepare the component for the creation of manual steps automatically when you create a component. For details, see : Configure Business Process Testing.

  2. Create the component tree.

    Define a hierarchical framework for your business components by creating a component tree, as you would any other tree in ALM. For user interface details, see Business Components Module Window.

  3. Create the component shell.

    Define the shell for your business components. For user interface details, see New Component/Component Details Dialog Box.

    Tip: You can also create components:

    Components are added to the component tree with the manual component icon. The components are assigned the status Under Development.

    Tip: By default, components are created assuming a manual implementation is needed for adding manual steps. You can change this default if you prefer that the component be created without preparation for manual implementation. In this case, an "empty" component is created. For details, see the ALM help: Configure Business Process Testing.

  4. Update the component shell.

    For each component, you can update its content and implementation requirements (details, manual steps, automation, attachments, parameters, dependencies, and history).

    Right-click a component and select Component Details. The Component Details dialog box opens. For user interface details, see New Component/Component Details Dialog Box.

  5. Create component content.

    Determine if the content should be manual, automated, or both.

    For automated components, determine the automation testing tool (such as UFT One or UFT Developer) and method (scripted GUI, keyword GUI, API).

    Tip: Review the guidelines in Choose design approaches.

  6. (Optional) Synchronize component content.

    If your business component contains both manual implementation and automation, you can synchronize the business component's manual implementation steps and its automated steps. This guarantees that the two implementations are consistent. When synchronized, you cannot edit manual implementation steps.

    For user interface details, see the Sync to Automation button in Manual Implementation Tab.

  7. (Optional) Handle component requests.

    Another way to create components is to handle component requests submitted in the Test Plan module.

    After confirming that a requested component and its parameters are necessary for business process testing, in the component tree, drag the requested component from the Component Requests folder to the appropriate folder. The Not Implemented status changes to Under Development as the component request becomes a component.


    • You can rename and edit the requested component as you would any other ALM entity.

    • You can delete a component request in the Business Components module only.

    • You cannot automate a component request. After the request becomes a component, you can add automation.

    • If you add a component request, which by default only has a manual implementation, into an automated business process test, the business process test can still be run automatically. The component request is ignored during the automatic run.

    For task details on requesting components, see the task Create business process tests and flows.

  8. (Optional) Convert manual tests.

    You can use existing ALM manual tests as a basis for defining your manual business components.

    Convert existing ALM manual tests using the Select Destination Folder dialog box in the Test Plan module. For user interface details, see Select Destination Folder Dialog Box.

  9. (Optional) Create components by recording.

    You can record your actions in any application. These actions are then used as steps in newly-created business components. For details, see Record components into flows and business process tests.

  10. (Optional) Create components by learning packaged apps, such as SAP.

    You can learn actions in a packaged app, such as SAP. These actions are then created as components in newly-created business process tests or flows . For details, see Learn business process tests and flows.

  11. (Optional) Create components using OpenText Sprinter.

    You can use Sprinter to define manual business components. For details, see the Sprinter documentation.

  12. Analyze components.

    • Review your business components to ensure that they meet the defined scope. After a component is approved, you change the status of a component from Under Development to Ready.

    • To help review the components, you can generate reports and graphs. For example, to see the development status of your components, you could view the Components Progress graph.

      For task details, see Analysis.