Business Components Module Window

This window enables you to define and maintain business components.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Business Components.

Relevant tasks
See also

Business components overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element


<Business Components module common UI elements>

<filter status bar>

Describes the filter currently applied to the tree. Located directly above the tree.

<component tree>

Located on the left side of the window, organizes and displays your business components hierarchically.

The tree contains the following special folders:

Components root folder

Represents the top level of the component tree. Components cannot be created directly in the root folder. This folder cannot be copied within the same project, renamed, or deleted.

Component Requests folder


Contains requests for new components that were submitted from the Test Plan module.

This folder cannot be renamed or deleted.

In this folder, component requests can be edited but cannot be copied.

Component requests can also be edited in the Test Plan module.

When importing libraries, components in the Component Requests folder are not included in the process.

Version Control: Version control is supported. For details on working with version control in ALM, see Version control.

For task details on requesting components, see Create business process tests and flows.

Obsolete folder

Contains any components or component requests that have been removed but are still being used by one or more business process tests or flows. This folder cannot be renamed or deleted.

Components in this folder:

  • Are read-only.
  • Cannot be copied.
  • Cannot be modified.
  • Cannot be added to other tests and flows.
  • Can only be deleted from the Obsolete folder if they are no longer being used by any business process test or flow.
  • When importing libraries, are not included in the process.
  • In a version control enabled project, cannot be checked in or out. For details on working with version control in ALM, see Version control.


  • You can simultaneously delete from the Obsolete folder all the business components that are no longer being used by any business process test or flow. Right-click the Obsolete folder and select Clean unused components.

  • You can restore business components from the Obsolete folder. For details, see Business Components Module Menus and Buttons.


Lists the component fields. For details on component fields, see Business Components Module Fields.


Captures and attaches a snapshot image from the application. For user interface details, see Snapshot Tab.

Snapshots can be viewed and modified in the Business Component Settings dialog box in UFT One. For details on the Business Component Settings dialog box, see the UFT One help.

Manual Implementation

Enables you to create or view the manual steps of your business component.

For user interface details, see Manual Implementation Tab.


Enables you to create or view the automation of your business component.


Defines input and output component parameters and default parameter values for the business component. For user interface details, see Parameters Page.


Displays the dependency relationships between components, tests, flows, and resources (including application areas). For user interface details, see the ALM help: View entity dependencies.


Displays a log of changes made to the component. For details, see Display ALM history.

Live Analysis

When a folder is selected, this tab is available for creating a graphical representation of data related to business components. For details, see Live Analysis graphs.