Run builds in Dimensions CM clients

This section explains how to run builds from the Dimensions CM web client and desktop client:

Guidelines for specifying build targets:

  • To build an object, you must select a target.

  • By default, targets are selected automatically, and you need to use the Build Targets list only to filter the list of targets being built. You can disable the automatic selection of targets. For details, see Dimensions Build.

  • When dependency information is available from previous builds, it is used to approximate impacted targets. But this approximation is based on stored data, and the actual build result may be different.

  • If a specific target cannot be matched against the selected objects, all targets for the selected configuration are displayed.

  • If previous builds ran with output collection enabled, the Build Targets list displays item relationships that were discovered during the build, as long as the build tool can provide this information. This enables you to view and select targets by name instead of only by build configuration build rules.

  • When you specify a target to build, additional rules may apply that result in additional targets being built.

    Example: Suppose you specify to build all impacted targets for a source. Source file X is used to build targets A and B. If you select only target A, then target B is built automatically, as it is impacted by the same source file.

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