Area Definitions window

This topic describes the areas and options of the Area Definitions section in the Administration Console.

About the Area Definitions window

The Area Definitions main window contains the following areas:

Menu area Displays the toolbar with buttons for creating and deleting area definitions.
Navigation area Enables you to view and select from a list of areas in the base database.
Content area Displays details about the selected areas, with options for editing areas.

To open Area Definitions, go to Administration Console > Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Area definitions.

For a description of the Administration Console main window, see Administration Console user interface.

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Area Definitions menu area toolbar

Use the Area Definitions toolbar to define and delete areas in the base database.

Button Description
Create a new work area, deployment area, or library cache area.
Delete one or more selected areas.
Edit the Global Stage Lifecycle.

For details about creating areas, see Define and assign areas.

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Area Definitions navigation area

The Area Definitions navigation pane displays the areas added to the base database. It contains a tree structure in which the second-level nodes represent the types of area:

  • Work

  • Deployment

  • Library cache

In the navigation pane, you can select to display the following objects:

  • To view a summary of all areas in the content pane, select the top-level icon.

  • To view a summary of all the areas of a particular type, select the second-level node: Work Areas, Deployment Areas, or Library Cache Areas.

  • To view a summary of deployment areas associated with a particular stage, expand the Deployment Areas node and select the node for the stage.

  • To view an area's associated details in the content pane, drill down in the navigation tree and select a particular work area, deployment area, or library cache area.

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Area Definitions content area

The information displayed in the Area Definitions content pane depends on what you select in the navigation pane:

Selected in the navigation pane Displayed in the content pane
A single work area

The content pane includes these sections:

  • General. Displays basic details about the selected work area.

    You can edit the area details and assign users or groups.

  • Assigned Users and Groups. Displays the users and/or groups assigned to the work area.

A single deployment area

The content pane includes these sections:

  • General. Displays basic details about the selected deployment area.

    You can edit the area details.

  • Global Stage Lifecycle. Displays a diagram of the Global Stage Lifecycle.

    You can edit the lifecycle.

  • Projects. Displays the project/streams related to the deployment area.

    You can assign or the area to a project/stream, or delete the area assignment.

Top-level File Areas node

Second-level node:

  • Work Areas

  • Deployment Areas

  • Library Cache Areas

The node of a deployment stage

The File Areas section displays a list of all areas in the selected node.

You can edit an area, delete one or more areas, and bring one or more areas online or offline.

On the upper right of the File Areas section, use the buttons to perform the following actions:

  • Display the list of object types as an HTML page to print or save.

  • Display the list of object types as comma-separated values to save as a text file.

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See also: