Preservation policies

In the Administration Console, define preservation policies to determine how the output files from a build process are represented in Dimensions CM.

About preservation rules

A preservation policy is associated with a stage for a project/stream, and each type of target, or output file resulting from a build, is preserved according to these preservation rules when a build is run for the project/stream for that stage.

For details about Build, see Dimensions Build.

The following types of preservation rule determine the type of item revision that can be created for a build output:

Rule Description
Normal An output file from a build is stored as a normal item revision, with the file stored in a Dimensions CM item library.

An output file from a build (such as a listing) that is stored outside a build area. It is represented as an item revision, but the item file is not stored in a Dimensions CM item library.

You can get or check out the item revision, in which case the external file is copied to your work area.

Placeholder An output file from a build that can be inside or outside a build area. It is represented as an item revision, but the item file is not stored in a Dimensions CM item library, and you cannot get or check out the item file.

Note: External and placeholder item revisions are not promoted from one build area to another.

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About defining preservation policies

You define preservation policies in the Preservation Policies section of the Administration Console. When you define a preservation policy, you specify the default preservation rule for all item types for build outputs.

You can then:

  • Add one or more preservation rules to override the default rule for any specific item types that you want to be treated differently.

  • Associate the preservation policy with one or more stages of one or more build projects. If you do not specify a preservation policy for a build stage, the default is to preserve all build outputs as normal Dimensions CM items.

For details, see Define preservation policies and rules.

To open Preservation Policies, go to Administration Console > Configuration Object Management > Preservation policies.

For details about the areas and options of Preservation Policies, see Preservation Policies main window.

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See also: