Delete Object dialog box

Use this dialog box to confirm you want to delete the selected baseline, request, item, report, or project folder.

Field Description Rules and guidelines

Are you sure you want to delete the object type  object_ID?

Lists the object type and the object specification, for example, "Are you sure you want to delete the request PAYROLL_CR_19?"

Not applicable for items.

Are you sure you want to delete the following object_types?

Lists the object types and the object specifications, for example, "Are you sure you want to delete the following requests: PAYROLL_CR_19 PAYROLL_CR_20?"

Multiple selections only.

Not applicable for items.

Delete revision from

Select Project  to delete the revision from the current project.

Select Repository  to delete the revision from Dimensions CM.

Only applicable for items.

Delete the following revisions from

Select Project  to delete the revisions from the current project.

Select Repository  to delete the revisions from Dimensions CM.

Multiple selection only.

Only applicable for items.

Track changes with request(s)

Enter or select any requests you want to use to track the refactoring operation.

Only applicable for items and project folders.

Delete project folders recursively

Select this option if you also want to delete the subfolders of this folder.

Only applicable for project folders.

Remove item revisions contained within project folder(s) from project.

Select this option if you also want to remove the items in the project folder(s) from the project.

Only applicable for project folders.

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See also: