View the dashboard

This section describes the LoadRunner Enterprise dashboard in which you can view your performance test runs or all test runs. The page also displays a list of your last modified entities, and the resources in use.

To access: From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Dashboard.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


<Common UI elements> For user interface details, see LoadRunner Enterprise user interface.

Displays the test run activities.

All Runs/My Runs. Filters the list to display test run activities for all users of the project, or your test run activities only.

Finished. Displays the completed test runs.

  • Analyze. Analyzes results for the selected test run (available for test runs that are not in the Finished state).

  • Collate Collates results of test runs that have not yet been collated (available for test runs that are in the Before Collating Results state).

  • HTML Report. Opens an HTML version of the Analysis Summary report, which analyzes the data collected during the performance test run (available only when the test run state is Finished).

    Note: For tests run on the cloud (indicated by ), the report opens directly in LoadRunner Cloud. For details, see the LoadRunner Cloud Help Center.

  • View Results. Opens the Dashboard tab of the Results page, which enables you to view performance measurements and results for those resources that were monitored in the test run in offline graphs (available only when the test run state is Finished). For details, see View test results offline.

Running. Displays the currently running tests for all users of the project.

Scheduled. Displays the tests that are scheduled to run.

To view details of a running or finished test, click the Test Name link to display the test in the Performance Test Designer window, or the Run ID link to display run details in the Test Runs page. To view details of a scheduled timeslot, click the Timeslot ID link.

For more details, see Manage test results.

Last Modified Entities

Enables you to keep track of changes to performance testing entities. To view details of a modified entry, click the Name link to display the test in the Performance Test Designer window (except for a LoadRunner Cloud test which opens in a new browser).

The following icons indicate the entities that were modified:

My/All. Filters the list to display your latest modified entries, or the latest modified entries for all users of the project.


Hosts/Project. Enables you to keep track of the performance testing resources in use.

Testing Hosts. Displays the number of testing hosts grouped by status (Operational, Non Operational, Unavailable), by state (Running, Idle), and the number of load generators provisioned from a cloud provider. For details, see Manage hosts and Provision elastic cloud load generators.

Project Settings. Displays the following project settings.

  • Concurrent Run Limit. The maximum number of concurrent test runs allowed within a project.

  • Host Limit. The total number of hosts (Controller + load generators) reserved for a timeslot may not exceed this limit.

  • VUDs Limit. The maximum number of Virtual User Days (VUDs) a project can run at once. The total number used by all of the project's concurrent performance tests must not exceed this limit.

  • Vuser Limit. The maximum number of Vusers available to the project.

  • Last Run. The date of the last test run in the project.

What's New Shows latest LoadRunner Enterprise news and updates.

Online Help. Opens the LoadRunner Enterprise help center.

LoadRunner Enterprise Forum. Opens the online LoadRunner Enterprise Practitioners Forum.

Feature Movies. Provides links to a selection of videos about performance testing with LoadRunner Enterprise.

LoadRunner Enterprise Blogs. Opens the LoadRunner Enterprise Community which contains blog posts with useful advice to help you plan, test, and monitor your applications.

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See also: