Unsupported features

Most of the features defined in previous versions are displayed and work in the same way in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020.

The features listed below are not available or fully implemented in the LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 release:

Feature Comments

Alerts are supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later. For details. see Activate alerts.

Note: Alerts data is migrated from earlier versions to LoadRunner Enterprise as part of the migration process.

Audit and history
  • Project history data is not currently supported.

  • Audit log data is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later. For details. see View log files.

Note: All relevant historical audit data is in the original project's schema.

Cloud hosts
  • LoadRunner Enterprise integrates with Amazon EC2 cloud accounts only; Microsoft Azure is currently not supported. For details, see Manage cloud hosts.

  • Credits reports and calculations have been deprecated.

  • Cloud event logs are supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later. For details, see View or edit cloud account details.

LoadRunner Enterprise can only work with a single database server. As a result, all project schemas must be located on the same database server.

Define IP addresses

Defining IP addresses to use as a target for performance testing is currently not supported.

  • Diagnostics integration settings are not migrated and must be reconfigured.

  • When migrating projects that contain diagnostics servers, the diagnostic server's password is not imported. Therefore, to use a diagnostic server in a migrated project, you must update the password for each server.

Elastic dockerized hosts
  • Elastic dockerized Controller hosts are currently not supported.

  • Monitoring orchestrator metrics using the Prometheus monitor (for Swarm) and the Heapster Server (for Kubernetes) are currently not supported.

  • When migrating a project that contains tests using dockerized hosts, only the Orchestration configurations are migrated; the path to your updated Docker images must be redefined. For details and suggested resolution, see Notes and limitations.

Entity Unlocker

The Entity Unlocker tool is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later. For details, see Download standalone applications.

File repository
  • The file repository for each project is located under the same root folder with a fixed structure.

  • A distributed file repository is not supported.

For details, see Manage the project repository.

LoadRunner Enterprise Servers

When upgrading to LoadRunner Enterprise, contact customer support to obtain a valid, compatible license. For details, see Manage licenses.

Local Help
  • The ability to switch to local mode and use context-sensitive help is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later.

  • For LoadRunner Enterprise 2020, you can still download the Help Center files and manually access them locally on your machine.

For details, see Download Help Center.


PAL is currently unavailable and was removed from the navigation toolbar.

Note: PAL data is still migrated from earlier versions to LoadRunner Enterprise as part of the migration process (support is planned for this feature in an upcoming version).


The following entities are not supported when migrating projects from Performance Center 12.6x to LoadRunner Enterprise:

  • Event log, Audit (for all projects, LAB, and Site Admin)

  • Cloud accounts and templates

  • Roles and permissions

  • LDAP servers

Remote installations / upgrades
  • Remote installations or upgrades installed on earlier versions are not migrated to LoadRunner Enterprise.

  • The Remote Installations tab which replaced the Patches tab in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 (in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration under Maintenance > Hosts) is not currently supported.

  • All previous cloud reports were removed except for the Cloud Operations report.

  • Cloud and Docker usage data is now centralized under the Elastic Cloud Utilization and Elastic Docker Utilization reports.

For details, see Generate usage reports.

Service Virtualization The integration with Service Virtualization is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 only; it is not supported in SP1.
Template projects The ALM template projects feature is not supported.
User-defined fields (UDF)

UDFs are currently not supported.


  • UDF data is still migrated from earlier versions to LoadRunner Enterprise as part of the migration process (support is planned for this feature in an upcoming version).

  • The default UDFs appearing in the schema during the creation of ALM Lab or projects are migrated. If additional columns were added to a project, only the columns up to the number listed in parenthesis below are migrated:

    • For Projects: Test (24), Test instance (24), Runs (12), Test Set (6)

    • For Lab: Project Properties (4), Host (5)

UFT integration

The integration with UFT is currently not supported.

Note: UFT scripts uploaded in previous versions are still migrated and will work in LoadRunner Enterprise.

Version control

LoadRunner Enterprise does not currently support version control. As a result, only the latest checked in tests and scripts from ALM are migrated to LoadRunner Enterprise.

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See also: