Trend Report <Report Name>

This page enables you to manage the test runs that are included in the report, as well as to manage the trend views which display the trending information.

To access
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Performance Trending (under Applications).

  2. On the Performance Trending page, in the Trend Reports grid, click the name of the report to open. The report opens as an additional tab on the LoadRunner Enterprise Dashboard.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Trend Thresholds. Opens the Threshold Settings dialog box, which enables you to define the thresholds to be used for identifying performance improvements and regressions. For user interface details, see Threshold Settings dialog box.

Export Report to PDF. Opens the Export Trend Report page, which enables you to export the selected report to a .pdf file. For user interface details, see Export Trend Report page.

Refresh Report. Refreshes the information contained in the report.

Custom Measurement Mapping. Opens the Custom Measurement Mapping dialog box, which enables you to define and customize mapped measurements. For user interface details, see Custom Measurement Mapping dialog box.

Rename Runs. Opens the Rename Runs dialog box, which enables you to edit the run name.

Add a New Tab. Adds a new tab to the report.

<Trend Views>

Trend views are display items that present trending information, and are contained within the <trend view tabs>. For details, see Trend views.

<Trend View tabs>

The <trend view tabs> contain the trend views and are defined by the template on which the report is based. For details, see Trend view tabs.

Trend Overview tab

The Trend Overview tab displays the test runs trended in the report, and provides options for managing the test runs. For details, see Trend Overview tab.

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