Trend Overview tab

The Trend Overview tab is used for managing the information contained in the trend report.

To access

The Trend Overview tab is displayed by default when you access a <report name> Trend Report.

Important information

The Trend Overview tab is common to all trend reports, irrespective of which template is selected.

See also

Trend Report <Report Name>

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Add runs to trend report. Opens the Select Test Runs to Trend Report dialog box. For user interface details, see Select Test Runs to Trend Report dialog box.

Remove run from trend report. Remove test runs from the trend report.

Set run as baseline. Sets the selected test run as the baseline run for comparing test runs. For details on comparison methods, see Select a comparison method to identify trends.

Note: The first run which is added to the report is automatically defined as the baseline.

Move Run Up/Down. Moves the selected test run up or down in the run order. Changing the position of the test run may have an effect on the comparison value when the Compare to previous method is selected. For details on comparison methods, see Select a comparison method to identify trends.

Customize Table Columns. Customizes which columns appear in the Trended Runs table. For user interface details, see Select Columns dialog box.

<Trended runs table>

Displays information for all trended test runs in the report. It is divided into the following sections:

  • General Details. Columns in this section display general information relating to the test run.
  • Workload Characteristics. Columns in this section are intended to display enough information in order for you to identify whether the test runs are similar enough in terms of workload, and therefore suitable for trending.

    The values displayed in this section are relevant only for the selected time range. Changing the selected time range will likely lead to different results. For details on the Define Time Range filter, see Select Test Runs to Trend Report dialog box.

  • Performance Overview. Columns in this section contain information relating to the overall performance of your application.

    The purpose of this section is to provide you with basic overview trending information without having to open a trend view. The basic trend information is shown by upward or downward arrows that indicate performance improvements or regressions with regards the baseline only. For details on comparison methods, see Select a comparison method to identify trends.

Run Information pane

Displays details for the selected test run. The following information is displayed:

  • Load Test. The name of the test.

  • Run user notes. Comments about the test run.

  • State. The publish state of the run. Either Trended or Not Trended. If Not Trended, then the reason for this error appears in this field. A link appears to republish the run after you have fixed the error.

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