Test entity XML

The fields in the request are:


Analysis Template ID

Available in versions: 12.55 and later

Optional. The ID of customized analysis template used to display your performance test run.

Automatic Trending

Optional. Automatically publishes trend results. Includes the following sub-elements:

  • ReportsId - mandatory field, defines an existing trend report ID. If this ID does not exist, a new one is generated.

  • MaxRunsInReport – mandatory field, defines a maximum number of runs in the trend report.

  • TrendRangeType - mandatory field. Possible values: CompleteRun, PartOfRun.

  • MaxRunsReachedOption - mandatory field. Possible values: DoNotPublishAdditionalRuns, DeleteFirstSetNewBaseline.

  • StartTime - mandatory only if TrendRangeType is PartOfRun. StartTime is specified time in minutes.

  • EndTime - mandatory only if TrendRangeType is PartOfRun. EndTime is specified time in minutes.

ControllerOptional. If not passed in the request, the value is set to dedicated, meaning that OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering assigns a controller at the beginning of the test execution.

Optional. Adds Diagnostics settings to a load test. You can add those settings even if you do not have a Diagnostics server attached to the project.

You can enable or disable any of the settings (the settings are disabled by default).


Available in versions: 12.62 and later

Optional. Configures provisioning settings for a test when using a Dockerized load generator (see also Groups/Group/Hosts).

This element has the following values:

  • ImageId. To obtain this value, use the Get Docker Host Image REST API to retrieve a list of images with their names and IDs.

  • MemoryLimit (optional).

  • CpuLimit (optional).

Note: When CpuLimit or MemoryLimit is used, you must supply both of these values (or neither); you cannot send only one of them. If the administrator has not set CPU or Memory limits, you must not provide your own.


Available in versions: 12.60 and later

Optional. When a goal-oriented scheduler is used instead of a Global scheduler, OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering automatically builds a schedule for you based on the goal you set for your test to achieve. See Example: Goal-oriented scheduler below.

GoalScheduler/GoalProfileNameOptional. The name given to describe the goal.

Required. Goal types can be:

  • VirtualUsers

  • HitsPerSecond

  • TransactionsPerSecond


Mandatory when GoalType is VirtualUsers (otherwise, it cannot be used). This goal type contains the following tag:

  • TargetVusersNumber


Mandatory when GoalType is GoalHitsPerSecond (otherwise, it cannot be used). This goal type contains the following tags:

  • TargetHitsPerSecond

  • MinVusers

  • MaxVusers


Mandatory when GoalType is TransactionsPerSecond (otherwise, it cannot be used). This goal type contains the following tags:

  • TargetTransactionsPerSecond

  • TransactionName

  • MinVusers

  • MaxVusers

GoalScheduler/DoNotChangeScriptThinkTimeOptional. Enables changing the script think time (true/false).

Required. Set the test settings for the goal using the following tags:

  • GoalCannotBeReachedAction. Required. One of:

    • StopScenarioAndSaveResults

    • ContinueWithoutReaching.

  • RunTimeAfterGoalAchieved. Amount of time that the test runs after the goal has been reached.

  • ReceiveNotification. Notification of setting changes (true/false).


Available in versions: 12.55 and later

Optional. Defines or updates the command line that can be applied to all or part of the groups in a test. See Example: Update global runtime settings and command line below.


Available in versions: 12.55 and later

Optional. Defines or updates the runtime settings that can be applied to all or part of the groups in a test. See Example: Update global runtime settings and command line below.

Groups/Group [1..n]Required.
Groups/Group/CommandLineOptional. Type the name and value of the parameter you want to send using the format: <Parameter_Name> <value>.


Available in versions: 12.56 and later (cloud hosts are available in 2020 and later)

The name and type of host. Host types can be:

  • specific

  • automatch (named LG1, LG2, and so on)

  • cloud (named CLOUD1, CLOUD2, and so on)

  • dynamic (named DOCKER1, DOCKER2, and so on)

Groups/Group/NameAny group name valid in OpenText Professional Performance Engineering.
Groups/Group/RTSAn XML segment containing the data used to define Run Time Settings. See Runtime Settings
Groups/Group/SchedulerRequired if schedule is by group. The sub-elements of the group scheduler are the same as for a global scheduler. See below, Scheduler/*.
Groups/Group/Script/IDScript ID.

If the test is scheduled by scenario and the vusers distribution is by number, value is a positive integer.

If the vusers distribution is by percentage or a Goal-Oriented Scheduler is used, value is 0-100.

LGDistribution/AmountRequired if LGDistribution/Type is all to each group. Non-negative integer.

Required. One of:

  • all to each group

  • manual

Monitors over FirewallOptional. A list of monitor over firewall IDs.

Optional. List of Monitor Profiles attached to the test.


Represents a single Monitor Profile. The contained element is:

  • ID

Runtime Collate

Available in versions: 2022 and later

Optional. Results are collated during the course of the test run (true by default).

Global scheduler. The same element can appear under Groups/Group/Scheduler.

Alternatively, you can use a goal-oriented scheduler.

Scheduler/Actions/Action [1..n]

Scheduler actions are affected by the WorkloadType/Type. See the Description of WorkloadType/Type.

An action contains exactly one element. The contained element is one of:

  • Duration
  • Initialize
  • StartGroup
  • StartVusers
  • StopVusers

See descriptions of these elements in the following rows.


The Duration Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="indefinitely"
  • Type="run for"
  • Type="until completion"

If the workload type is Real-World, use Type="run for".

The time interval. Non-negative integers.
Scheduler/Actions/Action/InitializeRequired once for every scheduler. Must be the first action in a global scheduler or the second action in a group scheduler.

The Initialize Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="gradually"
  • Type="just before vuser runs"
  • Type="simultaneously"


The time interval. Non-negative integers.


The time to wait after initialization. Non-negative integers.

Valid only if the test scheduler is set to by group. Each scheduler has only one definition for the StartGroup action.

Cyclic start actions are invalid. For example, if group A starts after group B and group C starts after group B, group A cannot start after group C.

The StartGroup Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="immediately"
  • Type="with delay"
  • Type="when group finishes"


The time interval. Non-negative integers.
Scheduler/Actions/Action/StartGroup/NameAny group name valid in OpenText Professional Performance Engineering.

The StartVusers Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="simultaneously"
  • Type="gradually"

Populate this element according to Workload type and the StartVusers type.

      Workload type /
StartVusers type

The StopVusers Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="simultaneously"
  • Type="gradually"

Populate this element according to the Workload type and StopVusers type.

      Workload type /
StopVusers type

Optional. Adds Service Level Agreement settings to a load test. Can include any of the following sub-elements:

  • TransactionResponseTimePercentile/Average

  • ErrorsPerSecond

  • TotalHits

  • AverageHitsPerSecond

  • TotalThroughput

  • AverageThroughput

You can only set SLA if the test has at least one group (script).

The TransactionResponseTimePercentile sub-element cannot be sent together with the TransactionResponseTimeAverage element.

See descriptions of these elements in the following rows, and in the example below (the TransactionResponseTimePercentile sub-element is displayed separately in Example: Define SLA with Transaction Response Time - Percentile).


Measures the percentage of transactions whose transaction response time falls below a specific threshold.


Measures whether the average transaction response time of the transactions over a specified time interval exceeds the defined threshold.

<LoadCriterion> values include running_vusers, throughput, hits_per_second, and transactions_per_second.

<Betweens>: You can set up to three in-between ranges, and numbers must follow. For example:

Between> <Between>
Between> <Between>

Measures whether the errors per second over a specified time interval exceed the defined threshold.

For the list of <LoadCriterion> values, and for setting <Between> ranges, see above.

SLA/TotalHitsMeasures whether the total number of hits over the whole test run reach the defined threshold.
SLA/AverageHitsPerSecondMeasures whether the average hits per seconds over the whole test run reach the defined threshold.
SLA/TotalThroughputMeasures whether the total throughput over the whole test run reaches the defined threshold.
SLA/AverageThroughputMeasures whether the average throughput over the whole test run reaches the defined threshold.

Required for non "goal oriented" workload type. One of:

  • by test

  • by group


Required. One of:

  • basic
  • real-world
  • goal oriented

The workload type affects the Scheduler/Actions. If the workload type is basic, there can be only one action each of types StartVusers, Duration, and StopVusers, and these actions must be in exactly that order.

If the workload type is real-world, any order of actions is valid. However, we recommend that StartVusers be before StopVusers.

If the workload type is real-world, you must set the number of vusers to start. At all times, the number of started vusers must be greater than or equal to the number of stopped vusers .


Required if WorkloadType/SubType is by test. One of:

  • by number

  • by percentage

For a Test entity JSON example, see Create a test.

See Also

Create a test
Return, delete, or update a test by test ID