Keyword View

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

The Keyword View enables you to create and view the steps of your actions or components in a modular, table-like format.

Working in the Keyword View

Working in the Keyword View does not require any programming knowledge. The programming required to actually perform each test step is done automatically behind the scenes by UFT One.

When working with a business component, the Keyword View that you see in UFT One is the same as the Automation tab in ALM.

In the Keyword View, you can:

  • Right-click the table header and select the columns to view in the Keyword View Options dialog box.

  • Drag columns and steps to reorder them.

  • Right-click a step to view its properties.

  • When a Value cell is selected, press CTRL+F11 to open the Value Configuration Options Dialog Box.

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Access the Keyword View

Create or open an action, scripted GUI component or user code file. If the Editor is displayed, click the Toggle between the Keyword View and Editor button in the toolbar.

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Set the default view

Set the Keyword View as the default view so that you can access an action or component in this view every time you open it.

Go to the Tools > Options > GUI Testing > General pane and set Open actions and scripted GUI components in this view to Keyword View.

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Add steps, comments, and programming to your test

You can add steps or comments to your test or even program your test in the Keyword View.

A standard step

A test step, with an object in your application with a specific operation performed on the object.

For details, see Standard steps in the Keyword View.

A checkpoint step

A step to test the state of an object in your application at a specific point in the application/test flow.

For details, see Standard steps in the Keyword View.

An output value step

A step to produce a value from an object which can be used later in the test.

For details, see Output values in GUI testing.


Lines in the script designed to add descriptive details about the test/component or the specific step.

For details, see Comments in the Keyword View.

Steps using programming logic

You can use programming logic to perform a number of tasks:

  • send information to the run results

  • put a comment line in your test

  • synchronize your test with your application

  • measure a transaction in your test

  • insert conditional or loop statements

For details, see Programming Operations, Conditional and loop statements.

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