Using the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Tutorial

The UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility tutorial comprises lessons that familiarize you with the process of creating, testing, and deploying custom toolkit support. After completing the tutorial, you can apply the skills you learn to create UFT One support for your own custom toolkits and controls.

In this topic:

Understanding the Tutorial Lesson Structure

This tutorial is divided into lessons. Each lesson assumes that you have already performed the previous lessons or have an equivalent level of experience. In each lesson, you learn more about the capabilities and techniques available with UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility. It is recommended to perform the lessons in order.

In each lesson in this tutorial, you extend UFT One support for a different custom control, using the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Eclipse plug-in. The custom controls are provided in sample custom toolkits that you can find in the <Java_Add-in_Extensibility_SDK_installdir>\samples folder.

This folder also contains the custom toolkit support sets required to support these custom controls and additional examples of custom toolkits and their support. If you deploy the sample custom toolkit support sets manually, you must compile the Java classes before deploying.

Each lesson in the tutorial explains the Java Add-in Extensibility wizard options that you need to use in that specific lesson. For more information on these wizards, see Using the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Eclipse Plug-In.

About Learning to Support a Simple Control

The lesson, Learning to Support a Simple Control, uses a basic custom Java control named ImageButton to teach you the fundamental elements of custom support. This lesson guides you through the steps required to create a custom toolkit support project containing one custom support class. Through this lesson, you learn to recognize and understand the files and methods that comprise custom support.

In this lesson, you use two of the wizards provided by the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Eclipse plug-in: the New UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Project wizard and the New UFT One Custom Support Class wizard.

About Learning to Support a Custom Static-Text Control

The lesson, Learning to Support a Custom Static-Text Control, uses the ImageLabel control to teach you how to support a static-text control. This lesson guides you through the steps required to create a support class for a static-text control in an existing custom toolkit support project. (The ImageLabel control belongs to the same custom toolkit as the ImageButton control that you used in the previous lesson.) Through this lesson, you learn about the basic methods that are required in a support class for a static-text control.

In this lesson, you use the New UFT One Custom Static-Text Support Class wizard provided by the UFT One Java Add-in Extensibility Eclipse plug-in.

About Learning to Support a Complex Control

The lesson, Learning to Support a Complex Control, uses the custom Java control AllLights to teach you more about custom support. AllLights is a complex control with unique behavior that requires a new test object class definition. The lesson guides you through the steps of creating a custom support class containing new identification properties and test object methods that did not exist in the parent support class. You also learn to understand the test object configuration file.

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System Requirements

You must have the following items installed on a computer on which support has not yet been implemented for the custom toolkits and controls in this tutorial. If such support has already been implemented, remove the support as described in Deploying and Running the Custom Toolkit Support.

If your UFT One installation is not on the same computer as Eclipse, you can still perform the lessons in this tutorial. However, when you are instructed to deploy the toolkit support to UFT One, you must manually transfer the custom support class files and configuration files to the correct folders on the UFT One computer as described in Deploying and Running the Custom Toolkit Support.

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Knowledge Requirements

The lessons in this tutorial assume you have the background knowledge described below:

  • Familiarity with major UFT One features and functionality

    You should have a thorough understanding of the following: test objects, object repository, Object Spy, Keyword View, and Editor. You should also have experience recording, editing, and running tests. For more information, see the UFT One User Guide.

  • Experience with Java programming

    You should be familiar with the concepts related to Java programming (for example, class, package, interface, and inheritance) and know how to write and compile Java classes.

  • Familiarity with XML

    You should be familiar with the concepts of elements and attributes and feel comfortable working with schemas and editing XML files.

  • A basic understanding of the concepts described in the Implementing Custom Toolkit Support section

    This tutorial assumes familiarity with the concepts described in Implementing Custom Toolkit Support.

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