What's New in ALM 17.0
The following new features and enhancements were introduced in ALM 17.0.
In this topic:
- What's New video
- Web Runner
- Analysis
- Quality Insight
- Test Execution Agent (TEA)
- Admin Report
- SSO Configuration wizard
- Auditing
- Automail
- Site Administration
- Project export
- General enhancements
- Feature removal
Web Runner
The following enhancements were added to Web Runner:
Releases module |
The Releases tab was added in Web Runner, which enables you to create releases and cycles. For details, see Create releases. |
Requirements module |
The Requirements tab was added in Web Runner, which enables you to create requirements. For details, see Create requirements. |
Create test sets tree |
You can now create folders and add test sets to folders in the Test Lab tab. For details, see Define test sets and run tests. |
Customize workflows |
You can now add workflow scripts to customize the user actions and user interface in Web Runner. For details, see Customize workflow scripts. |
Defects tab enhancements |
The following enhancements were included in the Defects tab:
For details, see Create defects. |
Call to test |
When designing your test steps, you can call to another test to include its steps in your test. For details, see Design test steps. |
Restrict access to Web Runner |
You can now disallow specific user groups to access Web Runner. For details, see Manage user groups and permissions. |
Customer admin users can now use Web Runner Admin page |
Available for ALM SaaS. Customer admin users can now access the Web Runner Admin page to enable or disable Web Runner or its modules. |
The following enhancements were added to the Analysis module:
New graph type: Test Execution Treemap |
A new graph type, Test Execution Treemap, is now available for test instances. It enables you to visualize the test execution results of your test sets. For details, see Test Execution Treemap. |
Filter historical data for defect summary graphs |
You can now filter a defect summary graph to view records that have specified changes during specified periods. For details, see Configure summary graphs. |
New project report: Test Set Execution Preview Report |
A new predefined project report, Test Set Execution Preview Report, is now available for the Test Lab module. It enables you to preview tests with parameters being set with actual values before executing them. For details, see Project reports. |
Include automation test reports as package in project reports |
The Include automation test reports option was added for project reports. This options controls whether or not to include BPT test results as a .zip file in the downloaded project report package. For details, see Project reports. |
Quality Insight
The following enhancements were added to Quality Insight:
Support requirements and test instances |
You can now create KPI cards in the Quality Insight Executive Dashboard for requirements and test instances. |
Percentage cards support using cards of different entity types | When you create a percentage card, you can now use cards of different entity types as the numerator and denominator. |
For detail, see Create KPI cards in Executive Dashboard (tech preview).
Test Execution Agent (TEA)
The following enhancements were added to TEA:
Register TEA host in the ALM server | Before running automation tests in Web Runner, you first register your test machine with the TEA agent in the ALM server. |
Monitor TEA host services in Site Administration |
You can monitor TEA host machines that run ALM automatic tests in Site Administration. |
For details, see Test Execution Agent (TEA).
The following enhancements were added to the ALM API:
Site Administration REST API updates |
Site Administration REST API includes the following enhancements:
For details, see Site Administration REST API Reference. |
Domain/project level REST API updates |
The domain and project level REST API includes the following updates:
For details, see REST API Reference (Core). |
Admin Report
You can call the http://<ALM server>:<port number>/qcbin/v2/sa/api/admin-report REST API to generate an admin report. Admin reports collect important system data to help you understand your system usage, such as the number of active and inactive projects and size of repositories and database.
For details, see Admin reports.
SSO Configuration wizard
The new SSO Configuration wizard enables you to set up SSO authentication by following step-by-step on-screen guidance.
For details, see Set up SSO authentication.
You can control the following for ALM auditing:
Keep audit log for specified categories | You can now use the AUDIT_LOG_FILTER parameter to keep the audit log only for specified categories. |
Store last login and logout time |
If the new ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGIN_LOGOUT_TIME parameter is set to Y, the user's last login and logout time is stored in the database. |
For details, see ALM auditing.
The following enhancements were added in automail:
You can now customize which fields are displayed in defect mail.
Deactivated users do not receive automail.
For details, see Configure automail.
Site Administration
The following enhancements were added to Site Administration:
Notification for completed asynchronous tasks |
When an asynchronous task is completed, a tooltip is shown in the task status button to inform you of the task completion. For details, see Monitor asynchronous executions. |
Show number of connected users in each group |
When you group connected users, the number of connected users in each group is shown in the group name. For details, see Monitoring. |
Filter License Usage Report by projects |
The ability to filter the License Usage Report data by domains/projects is now also available to ALM SaaS. For details, see License Usage Report. |
Modernized audit log table |
Available to ALM SaaS only. The audit log table in the Monitoring > Audit Log tab is more modernized, improving usability. For details, see Monitoring. |
Set ALM user password when creating MS-SQL database |
You can now set the password for the ALM td user when creating a MS-SQL (SQL Auth.) database. For details, see Add database servers. |
Added support |
Site Administration now supports the following:
Project export
The project export mechanism is optimized, requiring less ALM server temp storage space to export a project.
For details, see Export a project.
General enhancements
The following enhancements were added across ALM modules:
Show user full name in comments |
When you add a comment, your full name, in addition to your username, is also displayed in the Comments panel. For details, see Add comments. |
Show user status in user drop-down lists |
For any user drop-down list field, an icon is displayed next to each user to indicate whether or not the user is active. For details, see User status indicator. |
Feature removal
The License tab is removed from the legacy Site Administration. To manage ALM licenses, use the new Site Administration.
For details, see Site Administration (legacy version).
See also: