Manage applications

This section describes how to create, configure, and manage Deployment Automation applications and their processes.

Note: Before configuring an application, make sure that at least one agent is installed and mapped to a target environment. For details, see Manage resources.

Applications page

Applications bring together components with their deployment targets and orchestrate multicomponent deployments. Application processes automate deployments and rollbacks, and application snapshots manage versions of applications.

To work with applications, navigate to Management > Applications in the Deployment Automation user interface.

The following table describes the main tasks you can do on the Applications page.

Task Description
View details

View the following details about an application:

  • Name and description
  • Date of creation
  • The user role for the application
  • Last execution status

You can sort information by displayed columns.


Filter applications:

  • By the owner: owned by you or owned by anybody.
  • By the execution status, such as Success or Failure.

Search Search applications by name, description, user role, or execution status.
Create To create an application, click the Create button. For details, see Create applications.
Import To import an application, click the Import button. For details, see Import and export applications.
Replication To export replication data for one or more applications, or to import replication data that has been exported from another server, click the Replication button. For details, see Replication.
Edit To modify the application's name, description, notification theme, pipeline, and snapshot components setting, click the Edit icon next to the application.
Copy To copy an application, click the Copy icon next to the application. For details, see Create applications.
Inactivate To deactivate an application, click the Inactivate icon next to the application.

To make an application active, click the Show Inactive button, and then click the Activate icon next to the application.
Export To export an application, click the Export icon next to the application. For details, see Import and export applications.

Clicking the name of an application opens the selected application's page where you can run application and component processes, view deployment history, and further configure the application.

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Individual application page

The following table describes the options on an application's page.

Option Description
Activity View a graphical roll-up of activity for the application, including deployment summary, next scheduled deployments, and deployments to environments by process.
Details To modify the application details, click Edit.

View and add application properties:

  • To add a single property, click Add Property.
  • To add or edit multiple properties, click Batch Edit.

For details, see Add or edit application properties.

Components Add new or existing components to the application. For details, see Add components to applications.

To run a process for an application component, click the Run Component Process icon next to the component.

To remove a component from the application, click the Remove icon next to the component.
Environments Add new application environments and compare existing ones. For details, see Application environments.
Processes Create an application process. For details, see Create and design application processes.

To design an approval process, see Approvals.

To view details, duplicate, or deactivate an existing process, click the relevant icon next to the process.
Tasks Create manual tasks that you can later incorporate into an application process. For details, see Create application tasks.
Snapshots Capture information about the application for a given environment, including the component versions, process versions, and properties. For details, see Snapshots.
History View deployment and change history for the application.
Security Set role membership and default permissions for this application.
Run To run application and component processes, click the Run button. For details, see Run application processes and Run component processes.

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See also: