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SV Lab Server Reference

This topic describes the licensing and configuration properties for the SV Lab server.


The Lab server can run as a standalone server (either in demo mode or with a license) or embedded in one of the OpenText testing tools.

The license consumption is measured by the number of concurrently simulated virtual services, including services in SIMULATE_SERVICE or INVOKE_SERVICE modes. Undeployed virtual labs are not included, nor are services in forwarding mode (including learning).

Embedded mode

The Lab server is embedded in the following OpenText tools:

  • SV Designer
  • Silk4J

When using the Lab server in one of the above tools, it is bound by the tool's license and typically allows a concurrent simulation of 3 virtual services. You can purchase additional licenses and install them on the AutoPass server in order to simulate additional services.

For information about the AutoPass license server configuration for your testing tool, refer to its online help.

Autopass server configuration

To use the standalone Lab server, you must install Service Virtualization licenses on the AutoPass License Server and configure its URL in the SV Lab server. Use one of the following options:

  • Set a configuration property sv.license.server.url containing the URL of license server in the LabServer/etc/ file.
  • Set the sv.license.server.url JVM property containing a URL of the license server to the JVM running the Lab server:
  • Set an environment variable SV_LICENSE_SERVER_URL to the URL of the license server before launching the LabServer/bin/server-start.[sh|bat] script.

In Linux:


In Windows:


For details on installing the AutoPass license server, see [AutoPass 
license server installation](

Using SV Server (.NET) enterprise license

The SV Enterprise (float or site) license installed in SV Server entitles you to use SV Lab virtual services. There are 17 services using WEB/IoT protocols or 5 services using enterprise protocols (JMS, MQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka) included in the enterprise license.

The SV Lab can be set-up to consume licenses provided by running SV Server using similar mechanism to Autopass License Server. The endpoint of SV Server management API is used, the default port depends on whether there is a plain HTTP or HTTPS chosen during SV Server installation:

  • http://sv-server-host:6080/api
  • https://sv-server-host:6085/api

Use one of the following options:

  • Set a configuration property sv.license.provider.url containing the URL of SV Server in the LabServer/etc/ file.
  • Set the sv.license.provider.url JVM property containing a URL of the SV Server the JVM running the Lab server:
  • Set an environment variable SV_LICENSE_PROVIDER_URL to the URL of
    SV Server before launching the LabServer/bin/server-start.[sh|bat] script.

In Linux:

export SV_LICENSE_PROVIDER_URL=https://sv-server-host:6085/api

In Windows:

set SV_LICENSE_PROVIDER_URL=https://sv-server-host:6085/api

Demo mode

When there are no Service Virtualization licenses available on the AutoPass server or if the AutoPass server is not configured, the Lab server starts in Demo mode. Demo mode contains the following limitations:

  • There is a 10 second countdown before the server starts.
  • The lab server shuts down 10 minutes after the first service is run in SIMULATE_SERVICE or INVOKE_SERVICE mode.
  • You can only simulate up to three services concurrently.
  • Services may change their mode to simulation up to five times.

Server logs

Lab Server uses the Log4J logging framework. The logs are stored in the LabServer/log directory in Linux, and in %APPDATA%/Micro Focus/LabServer/log in Windows.

You can control the log level globally by setting the sv.log.level property to INFO in the server-start.[sh|bat] startup script.

The Log4J configuration file used by the startup script is LabServer/etc/log4j2.xml. You can customize the file for your specific needs, see the Log4J configuration documentation.

Server configuration

You can customize the Lab server configuration in the LabServer/etc/ file. The same properties can also be provided as Java properties. In this case, then they would override the values in the file.

Lab Server REST API properties

Lab server property Default value Description
sv.server.port 8445 The listening port for the Lab Server REST API
sv.server.address The network interface to bind. The REST server binds to all interfaces by default but you can restrict it to any specific interface, including localhost.
sv.server.ssl.key-store classpath:sv-lab-keystore.jks Keystore with server certificate
sv.server.ssl.key-store-password changeit Keystore password
sv.server.ssl.key-password changeit The password protecting the private key in keystore

Connector configuration properties

Lab server property Default value Description
sv.connector.port.range 1-65535 The range of ports available for use by connectors in the deployed virtual labs. This is useful for Docker deployment or automated firewall configuration.
sv.connector.address The network interface for binding the connectors. The connectors bind to all interfaces by default, but you can restrict them to a specific interface, such as localhost.

Miscellaneous SV Lab server properties

Lab server property Default value Description
sv.license.server.url n/a AutoPass license server URL. LabServer/log or %APPDATA%/Micro Focus/LabServer/log Log file location, set in the server-start script
sv.log.level INFO Log level, set in the server-start script
sv.server.source.limit 1 VSL source file size limit in MB. Model files exceeding this limit will not compile. false A flag indicating whether to suppress message logging. Suppressing message logging significantly enhances performance, but it disables learning.

Temporary files

The Lab server uses two temporary directories to store run logs and cache the compiled model files.

In Linux:


In Windows:


You can routinely delete both directories when the server is stopped.

See also: