Monitor and graph types

Controller uses monitors to collect different types of data from a scenario as it is running. You can view the data collected by these monitors in real time, in the online monitor graphs in Controller.

After the run is complete, you can use Analysis to view the collected data from any monitor and generate more detailed graphs. You can also view a summary of the data in InfluxDB, and generate graphs using a visualization tool like Grafana.

Some monitors are set up automatically, while others require additional configuration before use. For details, see Configure monitors.

The online monitors and graphs are divided into the following categories:

Graph/Monitor category Monitors require configuration Description

Provides metrics collected by the AppDynamics server.

For details, see AppDynamics monitor.

Version support: AppDynamics monitor is supported from version 24.3.

Application Deployment Solutions

Measures statistics related to the Citrix server during a scenario run.

For details, see Application Deployment Solution monitoring.


Provides analytics from the CA APM (Application Performance Management) server about monitored Web applications, to help you detect and diagnose performance problems in your complex or enterprise environments.

For details, see CA APM monitor.

Client-Side Measurement

Provides statistics from TruClient on the client-side behavior and user experience.

For details, see Client-side Measurements.

Cloud for AWS

Provides metrics related to the exchange of messages on AWS SQS, both sent and received, during the scenario run.

For details, see Cloud for AWS monitoring.

Database Server Resources

Measures statistics related to Oracle and SQL Server databases during the scenario run.

For details, see Database Server Resource monitoring.


Provides metrics collected by the Datadog platform.

For details, see Datadog monitor.


Provides data on monitored applications from the Dynatrace SaaS / Managed server.

For details, see Dynatrace SaaS and Dynatrace Managed monitors.

Finance ISO  

Provides metrics related to the sending and receiving of ISO-8583 standard messages during the scenario run.

For details, see Finance ISO monitoring.

Version support: Finance ISO monitoring is supported from version 24.3.

Infrastructure Resources

Displays information about network client data points during a scenario run using the Network Client graph.

For details, see Infrastructure Resources monitoring.

Infrastructure Testing

Measures resource usage of the Controller and load generator machines during the scenario run.

For details, see Controller and Load Generator Resources monitor.


Provides statistics about message flow and throughput between the Kafka broker and the producer or consumer during the scenario run.

For details, see Kafka monitoring.

Microsoft Azure

Provides metrics collected by the Azure Monitor Application Insights server.

For details, see Azure Insights monitor.

MQTT Statistic

Measures statistics related to MQTT messages, throughput, and connections during a scenario run.

Note: Custom system measurements can be configured for the MQTT $SYS Topics monitor.

For details, see MQTT Statistics monitoring.


Displays information about the network delays on your system.

For details, see Network delay monitoring.

Network Virtualization

Measures statistics related to NV, such as packet loss and latency.

For details, see Network Virtualization monitoring.


Provides metrics collected by the Prometheus server.

For details, see Prometheus monitor.


Displays the number and status of Vusers participating in the scenario, as well as the number and types of errors that the Vusers generate.

For details, see Runtime graphs overview.

Service Virtualization

Measures statistics related to Service Virtualization, per operation and service.

For details, see Service Virtualization monitors.

Silk Performer

Provides performance testing data collected by Silk Performer scripts during the scenario run.

For details, see Silk Performer monitoring.


Provides resource measurements collected by the SiteScope monitor and its counters.

For details, see SiteScope server monitoring.

Streaming State Statistics

Monitors statistics about streaming videos during a scenario run.

For details, see Streaming State Statistics monitoring.

System Resources

Measures the Windows, UNIX, and SNMP resources used during a scenario run.

For details, see System Resource monitoring.


Displays the transaction rate and response times.

For details, see Transaction monitor graphs overview.

TruClient Native Mobile

Provides information about CPU utilization, free memory on the device, and memory consumption for TruClient Native Mobile Vusers.

For details, see TruClient - Native Mobile graphs.

Web Application Server

Measures statistics related to the Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) application servers during the scenario run.

For details, see Web Application Server monitoring.

Web Resources

Provides information about the number of web connections, throughput volume, HTTP responses, server retries, and downloaded pages at the web servers during the scenario run.

For details, see Web Resource monitoring.

Web Server Resources

Measure statistics related to the Microsoft IIS and Apache Web servers during the scenario run.

For details, see Web Server Resource monitoring.

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