Understand the Administration user interface

This section describes the buttons and modules in the Administration window.


The banner in Administration contains the following.

UI Elements



Settings button

Settings. Opens the Settings dialog box, enabling you to configure the display format used in Administration. Select the date and time field format to use.

Note: The changes only affect the administration site.

Help button  Enables you to select the following options:
  • Help Center. Opens the online help center help.

  • About OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering. Displays version information.

  • Suggest an Idea. Opens the Idea Exchange where you can submit ideas, vote on submissions, and collaborate with colleagues, partners, and product teams.

User area button <user name>

User options. Displays the current administrator user name. Click the drop-down arrow, and select one of the following:

  • Accessibility. Opens the Accessibility window which enables you to activate and deactivate the keyboard shortcuts (see Keyboard shortcuts) and change the color theme (see Set the color theme).

  • Logout. Logs you out of the Administrationwindow

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This section describes the modules in Administration.


This Dashboard area Maintenance area button provides a top level summary view of resources, including projects, runs, Vusers, load generators used, and license usage.


This table describes the Maintenance area Maintenance area button.

UI Element Description
Hosts Hosts

Enables you to define, manage, and maintain the testing resources used for server-side testing.

Runs Runs Enables you to view and manage test runs across all projects. For details, see Manage test runs.
Timeslots Timeslots Enables you to reserve hosts for performing maintenance tasks. For interface details, see Manage timeslots.
System Health System Health

Enables you to check the health of each component in your system. For details, see Maintain system health.


This table describes the Configuration area Configuration area.

UI Element Description
Integrations Integrations

Enables you to add and manage the following integrations:

  • Analysis servers to enhance online graph views and capabilities, and provide data for offline graphs. For details, see Manage analysis servers.

  • Disruption providers which provide simulated attacks on your services and environments. For details, see Chaos testing.

Orchestration Orchestration Enables you to manage the orchestrators and host images which are used for dynamic provisioning of Dockerized hosts. For details, see Provision Docker hosts automatically.
Cloud button Cloud

Enables you to add external cloud accounts and create and modify the templates used to provision dynamic cloud hosts. For details, see Manage elastic cloud hosts.

Licenses Licenses Enables you to manage licenses, VUFDs, and hosts. For details, see Manage licenses.
Servers Servers

Enables you to manage the servers in your performance testing environment. For details, see Configure servers.

Alerts Alerts

Enables you to manage automatic notification alerts to keep track of test start and end times, test failures, and idle timeslots. For details, see Activate alerts.

Site configuration Site Configuration Enables you to configure the authentication method for users and define the project file repository. For details, see Site configuration.


This table describes the Management area Maintenance area button.

UI Element Description
Roles and permissions Roles and Permissions Enables you to control access to projects by defining the user roles, and by determining the types of tasks each role performs according to permission levels. For details, see Assign project roles and permissions to users.
Users Enables you to add and customize users, and assign them to roles and projects. For details, see Manage users in a project.
Projects Projects

Enables you to create projects, and define the limits and other settings for the project. For details, see Create domains and projects and Manage projects.

Audits Audit


Enables you to view a list of changes made to entities (Projects, Pools, Users, Tests, and Runs) and track user login and logout times on the site. For details, see Audit entities and user connections.


This table describes the Reports area Reports.

Sub node Description
Reporting summary Reporting Summary Enables you to generate reports. For details, see Reports.
Resource Utilization Enables you to generate reports to help monitor and manage usage of system resources.
License Usage Enables you to generate reports to help monitor license usage.

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Entity details menu

You can perform actions on an entity in Administration using the menu in the entity's details page.

To open the menu, click the vertical ellipsis in the entity's details page. If a user type does not have permissions to perform specific actions, those actions appear dimmed.

The following table lists the actions that can be performed in each module.

Module Action
  • Delete Run. Deletes the selected run. For details, see Delete Run.

  • Stop Run. For details, see Stop Run.

  • Delete Analysis Servers. Deletes the selected analysis server. For details, see Manage analysis servers.

  • Add Chaos Server. Enables you to add a chaos server. For details, see Chaos testing.

  • Delete Chaos Server. Deletes the selected chaos server. For details, see Chaos testing.

  • Check Server. Checks the status of the selected server. For details, see Check server.

  • Delete Server. Deletes the selected server. This option is not available if there is only one server in the Servers list.

Alerts Delete Alert. Deletes the selected alert. For details, see Activate alerts.
Users Delete User. Deletes the selected user. For details, see Delete users.

Note: For the list of action you can perform from the entity details menu in Site Management, see Perform actions from the entity details menu.

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When you open the details page for an entity in a module, a breadcrumb is displayed at the top of the entity's details page.

You can use the breadcrumb menu to search for entities in the group by name (or ID for runs), and to switch between different entities in the group to view their details. To return to the entity group page, click the parent link in the breadcrumb.

Note: Searches for an ID in the Runs module are performed using exact matches. All other searches are performed using partial matches (matching text in any part of the name).

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See also: