Project lifecycle

Plan, run, and track projects throughout your development lifecycle.

Set up releases, teams, and workflows

Before you can begin preparing the framework for your development, the space admin or admin for the workspace must create the following:

  • Time frame: Create releases, sprints, and milestones. For details, see Releases.
  • Workforce: Create teams, assign their members, assign teams to releases, and specify their capacity per sprint. For details, see Roles and permissions and Teams.
  • Workflow: Each type of item is assigned specific phases, and the order to follow when advancing through those phases. For details, see Workflow.

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Build your backlog

After your workspace is configured, you can create the product backlog, prioritize it, assign backlog items, and track the development process.

The backlog is made up of epics, features, and stories that describe the work required to complete your project. In addition, you can add tests and defects to the backlog and manage all project assets in one place.

For details, see Build the backlog.

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Plan a release

Make a plan for implementing the backlog items that you defined for your project. First, decide which features and user stories, quality stories, or defects you plan to implement in a release. Then, assign each item to a specific sprint and team.

Take into account:

  • The estimated effort for the backlog item

  • The length of your release and its sprints

  • The capacity of the teams assigned to the release

  • The ranking order of your backlog

To plan a release:

  1. Use planning buckets in the Backlog module to set up your plan, and make sure you do not exceed the available capacity.

  2. Before a release begins, assign features and user stories to your release.

  3. Assign features and user stories to specific teams, and assign user stories to sprints.

  4. When you are ready to plan your work for a specific sprint, reevaluate the estimated effort you assigned to each backlog item, and assign them to people in your teams.

  1. Break your stories into tasks. Estimate the effort needed for each task, and assign them to specific team members.

  2. On a per-team and per-sprint basis, assign user stories to specific team members.

    Note: The Team Backlog provides team member buckets to help you assign stories and tasks and make sure not to exceed the teams' capacity.

  3. Use the Task board to update and follow your task phases.

    To open the Task board, select the Board view in the Tasks tab. The Tasks tab is available inside stories, and in the Team Backlog module.

For details on these steps, see Execute a release, Team backlog, and Manage backlog items.

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Track progress

As items are designed and developed, advance the phase of the item. For details, see Phases.

As you work and advance through the development process, track the progress of the entities and of your team.

Use the graphs and summary views provided to track progress during and after a release. For details, see Track release progress.

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See also: