What's new in LoadRunner Professional and VuGen

This topic introduces the new features and improvements for LoadRunner Professional and VuGen, version 2021 R2.

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What's New video

Learn about some of the new features included in LoadRunner Professional version 2021 R2:

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DevWeb protocol

DevWeb includes the following enhancements and fixes:

Note: For updates in LoadRunner Developer and the DevWeb JavaScript SDK, see the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb Help Center.

  • This release includes a number of improvements to correlation scans for DevWeb scripts, to provide a better user experience, with faster and more accurate results. For details, see Correlation for DevWeb scripts.

  • You can now trigger automatic generation and installation (with root privileges) of the unique DevWeb CA certificate, required for recording HTTPS traffic. For details, see Generate and install a unique CA certificate.

  • There is now improved error reporting for DevWeb scripts. This includes aggregated error messages when the same error code is repeated, with a count for the number of occurrences. For a list of error codes returned by DevWeb functions and the DevWeb engine, see DevWeb Error Codes.

  • Increased stabilization of memory consumption and CPU usage when running DevWeb scripts.

  • This release includes a fix to an HTTP/2 redirection issue for DevWeb scripts.

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TruClient protocol

TruClient includes the following enhancements:

  • Upgraded Chromium browser support to version 91.

  • A new TruClient graph, Client-Side Measurement Breakdown is now available. This graph enables you to view information on the client-side behavior and user experience.

  • The Steps box includes a new step, Wait for File Download.

For details, see the TruClient Help Center.

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Web protocols

This release includes a new asynchronous API function that defines the request header name and value, for the next request in the conversation.

For details, see web_util_set_request_header or web.utilSetRequestHeader in the Function Reference.

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Java protocols

This release includes support for Throwable class exceptions in Java protocol scripts.

For details, see Java protocols.

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Teradici PCoIP protocol

The VuGen PCoIP protocol and client now supports Teradici client 21.07.1. This update enables you to benefit from the latest Teradici libraries and binaries.

For details, see Teradici PCoIP protocol.

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Citrix protocol

The Citrix protocol now supports Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2103.

For details, see Citrix protocol.

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SAP GUI protocol

The SAP GUI protocol now supports SAP GUI for Windows 7.70.

For details, see SAP GUI protocol.

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LoadRunner Enterprise integration

The VuGen - LoadRunner Enterprise Integration window now includes an indication when a script is locked by another user. When the script is locked for editing, you can open it in read-only mode.

For details, see Integration with LoadRunner Enterprise.

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Silk Performer integration

This release includes improved performance and bug fixes when integrating Silk Performer scripts into your scenarios.

For details, see Silk Performer scripts.

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Gatling tests

LoadRunner Professional installation now includes Gatling version 3.6.0.

For details, see Gatling tests.

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Load generator functionality

The following enhancements are included for working with load generators:

  • Controller can now automatically detect available load generators in the network. For details, see Add load generators to a scenario.

  • When using IP spoofing, you can now configure random IP allocation from the load generator IP pool. This makes it easier to simulate users joining with new IPs, and to detect issues when using a load balancer. In previous versions, Controller assigned sequential IPs to Vusers, and the Vuser was locked to the start IP. For details, see Options > General tab.

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Load generator support

The Linux and Linux Docker load generators are now supported on the following distributions:

  • RHEL 8.4

  • Ubuntu 20.04

For details, see Load generators.

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Azure Insights monitoring

LoadRunner Professional now supports integration with Azure Monitor. The Azure Insights monitor can collect resource metrics from the Azure Application Insights service, and show the applicable measurements in the Azure Insights Metrics graph.

For details, see Azure Insights monitor.

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General enhancements

LoadRunner Professional includes the following updates:

  • For secure communications, when using the Authentication Settings tool to generate machine certificates, there is now support for a CA password-protected private key. For details, see Authentication Settings tool.

  • When running a scenario, if you stop and restart a Vuser, the restarted Vuser is allocated the same set of unique parameter values that it used previously. For details, see Run/Stop Vusers dialog box.

  • When creating HTML reports, or exporting graph data to Excel, the default format for the graph data files is now CSV. This enables you to view more than 256 transaction details when you open the CSV file in Excel. For details, see Analysis report types.

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Technologies, platforms, and security enhancements

This release includes the following updates:

  • Support for Windows 10 21H1
  • Support for OpenSSL 1.1.1l
  • Updated version for prerequisite software: LoadRunner Professional installation now includes Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2019. For details, see Installation.

  • Various security updates.

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See also: