What's new in 14.6

This topic provides an overview of new features and enhancements in Dimensions CM 14.6.

Installation, upgrade, and licensing

This release introduces the following installation and upgrade enhancements:

Common Tools upgrade
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) upgraded to version 11.0.

  • Common Tomcat upgraded to version 9.0.

For upgrade instructions, see Install Dimensions CM.

PostgreSQL upgrade Windows: PostgreSQL bundled with the Dimensions CM installer is upgraded to version 13.6.

Dimensions CM no longer supports licensing with SLM.

To manage Dimensions CM licenses, use the AutoPass License Server (APLS). See Dimensions CM licensing.

To generate a license for APLS, see the Knowledgebase article KM000005202.

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External request providers

This release includes many enhancements when working with external request providers:

  • You can now use different request providers in the same Dimensions CM database.

    For example, you can own a mix of requests from multiple providers, including Jira issues, ALM Octane work items, and native Dimensions CM requests, and view all of them in your Requests inbox.

  • You can map providers to the whole database, any of its products, or specific projects/streams in a product.

  • You can use multiple providers of the same type, for example, multiple Jira instances or ALM Octane workspaces.

  • The new external request functionality is available in Dimensions CM 14.6 clients: the web client, desktop client, Visual Studio IDE, and Eclipse IDE. For details, see Use external requests.

For details on how to add request providers to Dimensions CM, see Configure request providers.

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Baseline delegation

You can now delegate baselines to other users, give additional roles on baselines, and change delegated users.

This feature is available in all Dimensions CM clients. In the command-line client, use the DLGB command. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.

For details about delegation, see the Administration Console online help.

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This version of Dimensions CM includes the PulseUno 22.1 release. For details about new features and enhancements in PulseUno 22.1, see What's new in PulseUno 22.1.

The latest PulseUno releases, 22.2, 23.2, and 23.4 are available as patches:

  • To download the 22.2, 23.2, or 23.4 patch, visit the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal (requires login).

  • To apply the patch to your Dimensions CM 14.6 and PulseUno installation, see the Readme supplied with the patch.

For details about new features and enhancements in the latest PulseUno releases, see the following:

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Security improvements

Third-party libraries with identified vulnerabilities are upgraded to more recent and secure versions.

For every release, Micro Focus performs internal security testing using a set of security scanning and static analysis tools, including Micro Focus Fortify SCA, to ensure that Dimensions CM remains a secure SCCM solution.

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Help Center updates

The following sections are now integrated into the Dimensions CM Help Center: 

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See also: