Getting Started

This topic introduces the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration REST API and provides some tips about getting started.

About LoadRunner Enterprise Administration REST APIs

The LoadRunner Enterprise Administration REST API enables you to write applications to manage performance test resources without using the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration user interface.

This API provides only a subset of the functionality provided by the user interface.

About the REST API documentation

To improve the customer experience and provide more optimized search, the LoadRunner Enterprise REST API References are now version-less. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.

While this guide specifically supports LoadRunner Enterprise Administration versions 12.60 and later, most APIs listed here are also supported in earlier versions of LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

This document does not define the terms used in the context of LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see the Administration section in the LoadRunner Enterprise Help Center.

Note: For details on creating and running performance tests using the LoadRunner Enterprise APIs, see the LoadRunner Enterprise REST API Reference Guide.

API functions

The following is a list of the API functions that you can use with LoadRunner Enterprise Administration:

Authenticate the user

Before accessing any other resource, you must authenticate the user. See Authenticate.

Once the user is authenticated, you can perform the actions listed below.

Manage hosts

Add hosts and return list of hosts

Return, delete, reconfigure, or update a host by ID

Get Hosts List by Query

Hosts response

Manage cloud hosts

Provision cloud hosts

Deprovision cloud hosts

Get provision request

Get all provision requests

Provision host response

Get all cloud hosts

Audit cloud hosts

Get Cloud Account

Provision host response

Get public key or generate new key pair

Manage pools

Host pools

Return, update, or delete a host pool by ID

Get Host Pool List by Query

Get run data

Get all runs

Get Runs by Query

Manage projects

Get all Projects

Create a project

Get or update project by project ID

Get projects by Query

Remove Projects

Test database connection to a project (for Oracle environments only)

Update database connection to a project (for Oracle environments only)

Manage licenses

Get licenses

Get license by ID

Get Licenses by Query

Get license summary

Manage MI Listeners

Add MI Listeners

Get MI Listeners

Get MI Listeners by ID

Get MI Listeners by Query

Manage users

Add a user

Update a user

Delete a user

Assign project and role to user

Unassign user from projects

Get user by ID

Get all users

Get list of users by query

Manage timeslotsLimit advance timeslot reservations
Manage monitors

Add or update a monitor system token

Delete a monitor system token


Before your application closes, logout from the server.

Notes for API calls

The following notes apply to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration REST APIs:

  • The REST API cannot run in a configuration where a proxy server requires Basic Authentication before allowing access to the REST resources.
  • If server performance degrades when using this API, check whether your application is causing several process-intensive tasks to run at the same time. If so, change the timing of these calls to reduce the server loading.
  • In any request you send to the server, return all cookies sent by the server in the preceding response using "Set-Cookie". Failing to resend "ADM_LWSSO" (in versions 2020 and later) or "LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY" (in versions earlier than 2020) can result in authentication expiration while the user is interacting with the REST API service.
  • Project names, domain names, and any other resource that is passed as a query parameter in a public API cannot contain Microsoft Windows reserved words, such as COM1-9, LPT1-9, AUX, PRT, NUL, and CON.

See also: