What's new in 23.4

The following new features and enhancements are introduced in PulseUno 23.4.

Note: The Help Centers for PulseUno versions 23.2 and 23.4 are streamlined into a single Help Center. Any version-specific changes are indicated where relevant.

To view enhancements for version 23.2, see What's new in 23.2.

Installation and upgrade

This release introduces the following changes to installation and upgrade.

Change Description
Updated installation paths

The default installation and upgrade paths have been updated.

For details, see Upgrade PulseUno.

JRE upgrade on agents

Because chain plugins now require JRE 11, agents that run on JRE 8 must be upgraded to JRE 11.

To upgrade JRE 8 agents, first uninstall the agents and then run the latest agent installer. For details, see Upgrade PulseUno.

PostgreSQL upgrade Windows: PostgreSQL bundled with the PulseUno installer is upgraded to version 15.3.2.

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Git enhancements

Use the following enhancements when working with the PulseUno Git server.

Enhancement Description
Git tag view

In Git repositories, you can now view Git tags and explore their revision history.

For details, see Browse code.

Code owners

Create a codeowners file to define trusted users responsible for your product's codebase.

In Git repositories, code owners can be automatically assigned as reviewers to pull requests.

For details, see Define code owners.

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Vault enhancements

The following new features and enhancements are available in PulseUno vaults.

Enhancement Description
Generic vaults

You can now create and use generic vaults that support files of any format. For details, see Create and manage vaults.

Files stored in generic vaults are not versioned. If you upload a version of the same file, the new version overwrites the existing file. For details, see Deploy packages.

Maven snapshot deliveries

When working with Maven snapshots, you can now override the vault retention policy for individual snapshot deliveries and choose to keep them forever.

For details, see Review and approve packages.

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Security and access

The following security and authentication enhancements are introduced in this release.

Enhancement Description
Secrets in chains

Create secrets and use them in chains to securely include sensitive details such as usernames and passwords.

For details about creating secrets, see Create and use secrets.

The master.key file

PulseUno uses the master.key file to encrypt all private data in the database, including secrets and credentials for external connections.

Take measures to minimize the risk of losing access to the encrypted data:

  • Restrict access to the master.key.

  • Create a backup copy of the master.key.

For details on how to safeguard the master.key file and improve PulseUno security, see Secure your PulseUno installation.

ALF events system property

Use the alf.events.allowed.cidr system property to specify a list of networks that are allowed to provide ALF events.

For details, see Common system properties.

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Usability and UI enhancements

This release introduces user interface updates and many usability enhancements.

Enhancement Description
The Code section

When you open a product or Git repository, its source control information is now grouped under the Code section on the sidebar:

  • Files. Displays a list of files and directories in the product's default stream or branch.

  • Branches. Displays a list of product streams or Git repository branches.

  • Tags. Displays a list of Git tags in the Git repository.

  • Graph. Displays the product's changeset graph.

  • Changesets. Displays the product's changeset history.

For details on how to browse the contents of streams, branches, and Git tags, see Browse code.

Re-login option

When your session times out, you now have the option to re-log in and get to the page where you left off.

To change the session timeout, edit the PulseUno server's startup.properties file. For details, see Configure startup.properties.

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Chain and plugin enhancements

Use the following enhancements when running chains of plugins.

Enhancement Description
Keep Forever retention options

When you choose to keep a chain run forever, you can also keep the artifacts deployed during the chain run.

For details, see View chain runs.

Affect Changeset Health option

You can configure a chain to ignore the chain run state when estimating the state of related changesets. This way, if the chain run fails, the chain's failed state doesn't cause the changesets to fail.

For details, see Set chain options.

SARIF File Parser plugin

PulseUno now supports the SARIF output format for code scanning. When running static code analysis, use the new SARIF File Parser plugin to process the contents of SARIF files and convert them into findings.

For details, see SARIF file parser.

SonarQube plugin

To run the SonarQube plugin, you no longer need to create the sonarqube-pulse-expert.properties file. Set the properties directly in the user interface.

For details, see SonarQube.

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The following enhancements are available to administrators.

Enhancement Description
Global history filter by secrets

When auditing the history of your PulseUno instance, you can now filter the event list by Entity Type > Secret to view the history for secrets.

For details, see View global history.

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Integrations with third-party tools

PulseUno now integrates with the HashiCorp Vault secrets manager.

Set up a HashiCorp Vault instance as the secrets provider in your space, and you can use its secrets when running chains.

For details, see Create and use secrets.

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OpenText integrations

The following enhancements are available when using integrations with other OpenText products.

Enhancement Description
Fortify on Demand GitHub Actions

You can run a chain that integrates Fortify static code analysis into a GitHub Actions workflow and generates findings from a SARIF file.

For details, see Fortify on Demand GitHub Actions.

ALM Octane pipeline integration

When sending chain run results to ALM Octane, you can now pass a comment with the build link to all ALM Octane work items associated with the build.

For details, see Publish chain results to ALM Octane.

Support for multiple request providers in Dimensions CM instances

If a Dimensions CM repository uses multiple providers, you can now view requests from each provider, including native Dimensions CM requests:

  • To view a list of requests by provider, open the Catalog.

  • To view your pending requests by provider, open the Inbox in the My Work area.

For details, see View requests.

Team and member roles on a Dimensions CM product

You can now change team and member roles for a Dimensions CM product. The role defined for a product overrides the default role inherited from the product's space.

Note: PulseUno roles apply only to PulseUno objects, such as chains or PulseUno settings.

For details, see Manage members and teams.

Dimensions CM Agile functionality

Use the new Agile option to display or hide the Backlogs and Iterations sections in the user interface.

In a Dimensions CM product, the Agile view includes request backlogs and iterations by default. For details, see Agile request management.

In a Git repository, you can choose to display backlogs and iterations for a Dimensions CM request provider. For details, see Enable Dimensions CM requests.

Note: In products that use multiple request providers, backlogs and iterations are supported for Dimensions CM requests only.

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See also: