What's New - earlier versions

The following features were released earlier this year.

DevOps Aviator

The following DevOps Aviator innovations are available in ValueEdge:

Area What's new
Aviator Smart Assistant The Aviator Smart Assistant is an AI-powered virtual assistant that can analyze features, suggest improvements, and more. For details, see Aviator Smart Assistant.
Manual test suggestions using Aviator

You can use the AI-powered Aviator to suggest test cases for a feature and create new manual test items based on the suggestions. For details, see Generate suggestions for manual tests.

For a full list of DevOps Aviator features, see Introducing ValueEdge.

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The following Insights enhancements are available:

Area What's new
Document report enhancements

When including images in Document reports, you can now embed them in the report instead of accessing them through a link.

For details, see Document reports.

Imported dashboard widgets

Imported dashboards are now automatically adapted to the destination workspace.

For details, see Import and export a dashboard configuration.

Predictive analytics

ValueEdge uses AI algorithms to calculate each feature's predicted end date based on data from other features in the backlog, helping you to identify delivery-time risk early in the production cycle.

For details, see Predictive analytics.

DORA metrics

You can display DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics in a dashboard widget for release processes and release process items.

For details, see DORA widgets.

Document report enhancements

Admins can now control the number of widgets that can be included in a Document report. This prevents users from adding an excessive number of widgets that can significantly increase the report generation time.

For details, see Document reports.

Drill down into trend widgets

You can now drill down into trend-based widgets to see the items behind the total numbers. You can also compare data between different dates to gain insights into scope changes.

For details, see Drill down and compare data.

Dashboard data caching

Dashboard data is now cached, to prevent redundant reloading when you switch between dashboard tabs. You can customize the cache duration using the DASHBOARD_WIDGETS_CACHE_DURATION_IN_SECONDS parameter.

For details, see Configuration parameters.

Sort bar charts by value

In bar chart widgets, you can now sort the graph bars by their values, in ascending or descending order.

For details, see Configure widget settings.

Widget color consistency

In widgets that use the same Stack by or Group by fields, segments and columns that represent the same field values are now given the same color across the different widgets in a dashboard. This makes analysis easier when examining different KPIs for the same items.

For details, see Widget functionality.

Change indicator

For widgets with a number display, you can now show whether the value increased or decreased compared to a previous period.

For details, see Single number (KPI) widget.

Accessibility Improved keyboard navigation in the Dashboard module.

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The following Agile enhancements are available:

Area What's new
New labels for dependency-related fields The following dependency-related fields have been renamed for better clarity:
Old field nameNew field name
Depends on countUpstream dependencies count
Direct predecessorUpstream dependencies
Dependency countDownstream dependencies count
Direct successorDownstream dependencies

Existing favorites and custom names involving these fields are preserved. For details, see Build the backlog.

Advanced filters

The advanced filters now have new filtering capabilities, including multiple layers of nested filters, and a new dialog box interface.

In addition, the quick filters and advanced filters are now independent and no longer synchronized. Filters and favorites created in earlier versions are kept intact and yield the same results as before.

For details, see Filters.

Tip: Watch a video introducing the new advanced filters. See ValueEdge video gallery.

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The following Quality enhancements are available:

Area What's new
New defect fields and values

New defect fields and values are available: 

  • For the new Custom Subtype field, you can select the following values: Performance, Security

  • For the Item origin field, you can now select the following new values: Fortify, LoadRunner,SonarQube

For details, see Additional defect details.

New custom field types

Admins can now create user-defined fields of types Milestone and Environment:

  • Milestone type fields allow you to include multiple milestone fields in a single item, and add milestone-related information to entities that do not support system milestone fields. For details, see Milestones.

  • Environment type fields allow you to add environment information to entities. For details, see Environments.

For details on creating user-defined fields, see Custom fields.

Timeline API exposed Using the timeline API call, you can now query the different phases of an entity timeline. By querying multiple entities, you can calculate statistics such as the average cycle time per phase or the average waste time per phase.

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The following Release management enhancements are available:

Area What's new
Schedule release process items You can now schedule release process items by setting a Start Time rule. For details, see Schedule release process items.
Parameterization in auto actions You can now use parameterization in auto action text fields to include a related entity's reference fields. For details, see Advanced output processing.
Auto action enhancements

You can now add a REST Poll auto action to a release process. You can use this auto action, for example, to check the status of an asynchronous REST Call operation that takes an extended amount of time to complete.

For details, see Auto actions.

Custom forms and fields for milestones

The Milestone entity now supports custom forms and user-defined fields. This lets you associate more information with a specific milestone, and enhances the options available when you search or filter by milestone.

For details, see Custom forms and Custom fields.

Dependency criteria

You can now add a Dependency Criterion to a quality gate. Choose the processes or process items that should be completed before proceeding with the process. You can also define a business rule that automatically completes a gate when dependencies are completed.

For details, see Define a dependency criterion.

Release process integration

You can now create a process for your release directly from the Release page. You can create a new release process or choose a process from an existing template.

For details, see Releases.

Adjust start/end times of a process item The start and end times of actions are set when they are marked as Started or Completed. If these times do not reflect the actual action's times, you can now manually update the start and end times. For details, see Actual start and end times.

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Functional Test

The following Functional Test enhancements are available:

Help Center What's new
Model-Based Testing
  • Each unit is now linked to a test runner, to ensure that all units in a path use the same test runner. For details, see Units.

  • When importing a BPMN file, you can now also import parallel gateways. In MBT they are converted to a chain of units. For details, see Import a BPMN file.

Support for parameters in codeless tests

You can now incorporate parameters and data sets into codeless tests.

For details, see Functional Test Design.

Functional Test Execution

The following Functional Test Execution enhancements are available:

  • You can now execute UFT One automated tests on mobile devices.

  • In the Scheduled Runs tab, you can now drill down to details on each suite run that is in progress, and see the duration and progress of its execution.

  • In the Scheduled Runs board view, you can now choose the duration to display. By default the board view shows the last 24 hours and the next 24 hours. You can now choose to show the last 72 hours to the next 72 hours, or the last 7 days to the next 7 days.

For details, see Functional Test Execution.

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Common functionality

The following shared component enhancements are available:

Area What's new
Download multiple attachments You can now download or copy links for multiple attachments at the same time. For details, see Attachments.
Accessibility improvements

The following accessibility improvements are available:

  • Fixed several limitations relating to keyboard navigation.

  • The following keyboard shortcut is added: Alt+F10 to access the memo field toolbar buttons.

  • You can open sub menus using the alt + arrow right key combination.

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The following administration enhancements are available:

Area What's new
Dashboard permissions

The administrator can now define which users have permission to create and modify dashboards.

For details, see Set up a dashboard.

Adjust requirements maximum tree level

You can now adjust the number of levels allowed in the Requirements tree. Previously the limit was set to 12 levels. Set a new limit using the MAX_TREE_DEPTH_REQUIREMENTS parameter. For details, see Configuration parameters and Requirements.

Default setting to include searchable fields

The administrator can now define the default setting of the Include Searchable Fields option in global searches, by setting the SEARCH_ALL_SEARCHABLE_BY_DEFAULT parameter. For details, see Configuration parameters.

Search and filter API access keys You can now search, filter, and group the list of API access keys. For details, see API access.
Custom icons for entities

You can now set a new label and color for entities, based on a condition that you define.

For details, see Dynamic labels.

Cross-workspace copy permission

You can now set permissions allowing users to copy work items from one workspace to another.

For details, see Permissions.

Custom fields for teams

The Team entity now supports user-defined fields. This allows you to store additional information on the Team entity, and also categorize and filter teams more efficiently.

For details, see Custom fields.

Business rules for more entity types

Business rules are now supported for the following entities:

  • Application module
  • Release
  • Milestone

For details, see Business rules.

Excel import improvements

When importing items from Excel, you can now download a report listing the items that could not be imported, allowing you to focus on the problematic items.

For details, see Import from Excel.

Shift migration tool

A new version of the Shift data migration solution tool is now available. For details, see OpenText Marketplace.

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